An Amazing Affiliate offer for you!!
An Amazing Affiliate offer for you!!
Hi Gang
Instagram Misinformation!! And it’s not me.
You may have seen the video on Instagram which I am certainly not going to share with you again! Just too many inaccuracies and unscientific facts. Liz should know by now, if she has paid any attention to the information I have sent and the comments you made (and thank you to the people who commented on her post) that she totally misrepresented what I do. I am not a one size fits all! ‘Glycolotic’ Grimes- the so called ‘expert’ in cancer metabolism doesn’t even know the word is glycolytic for heaven’s sake! Glycolotic, which he repeated several times, doesn’t even exist! I feel sad she has linked herself to someone who is as far from the integrated approach as he can get. His research into vitamin C is looking at oral vit C from the 1970s! As you all know intravenous vitamin C and oral vitamin C are two entirely different beasts. One is antioxidant, the other pro-oxidant. Sure oral vitamin C at high dose causes diarrhoea. But intravenous? It bypasses the gut, doh!
So here is my first response, I will address some of her other concerns in my next newsletter (like the evidence) :
So instead of killing the metabolic revolution, she has made me more determined than ever to spread the word.
As a brief response, here is the data in a peer reviewed paper for the COC cocktail doubling survival times in GBM (very aggressive brain cancer)
The resource that most of you like best is my online course. Easier to grasp than just the book, you have loved the videos and explanations, which break down the dominant pathways for each cancer. It has 13 modules with about 10 videos in each module.
So how to get this revolution rolling??
Become an Affiliate!
Help friends and loved ones with cancer.
Thank you to everyone who has already bought the online course. We have now created an opportunity for all of you to become an affiliate and make a difference to other people while earning a generous commission.
- If you have already bought the course, you will receive an email from Teachable later today (check your junk mail if you can’t see it) with details of your affiliate code so you can get back the money you spent on the course by referring it on to three people and bingo! You have the course for free!
- If you haven’t already bought the online course and want to join my revolution, spread the word and earn income (a generous 33% of the price) every time you refer it on and someone purchases the course. You can still sign up here before it goes up in price.
The course is currently $97 but it is going up next month to $129. That’s about $40 dollars for every course referred on.
Thank you to everyone who is sticking by me!
With love
Jane xx