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Nancy’s Story

‘I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 2, Grade 2, May 2015. I had a double mastectomy and reconstruction (and now awaiting an explant since they are the kind that cause cancer, ugh). I refused chemo at that point because it offered a 2% chance of no recurrence. I didn’t need radiation. I found an integrative dr. who helped me with diet change and some supplements. In Feb 2019 I was diagnosed with MBC with Mets to lungs and bones. Many bones were involved and I was immediately put into a wheelchair/walker with no weight on the legs due to a lesion on my hip which could cause a break. I started your protocol in March 2019. My doctor told me about Jane’s protocol, I had originally called him regarding IV Mistletoe. I had success right away and my oncologist has been blown away. He knows what I’m doing and has actually verbalized that he didn’t know if it was his drugs or the integrative meds that were healing me, but he didn’t care, he said he was just happy I was healing. Here I am just a year later, with NED!!! So thrilled and thanking my God for using your protocol to help heal me.’